
Agenda Item 71 


Subject:                    Prioritising domestic abuse victims in housing allocation


Date of meeting:    14 December 2023


Proposer:                 Councillor Andrei Czolak

Seconder:                Councillor Amanda Grimshaw


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Labour Group



This council notes:


1)    We recognise that many people fleeing from domestic abuse and facing homelessness have already suffered significant trauma and likely spent time in unsettled accommodation in a refuge

2)    More should be done to support those who have fled domestic abuse or violence to find safe and secure accommodation

3)    DAHA accreditation is the UK benchmark for how housing providers should respond to domestic abuse in the UK and something that the Council’s housing team and all housing providers should be aiming for



Therefore, resolves to call for an officer report to HNC Committee which addresses the following:


4)    How to ensure that appropriate priority for those who have fled domestic abuse or violence is included in the review of the Council’s housing allocation policy

5)    Sets out what steps are required for the Council’s housing team to achieve Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) accreditation  

6)    Identifies how the Council will work with all local housing providers to ensure that they are also working towards securing DAHA accreditation  

7)    How the Council will ensure that all council staff and relevant staff of housing partner organisations are trained to recognise potential signs of domestic abuse